Career Path of Dr. Jessica Tanner

In 1988, I completed my medical studies at the University of Basel. Even then, my interest was focused on the brain, and I wrote my doctoral thesis on brain pathways. Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to turn my hobby, namely the study of the brain, into my profession.

Immediately after completing my studies, I worked at the University Hospital Basel in the Department of Nuclear Medicine. I was fascinated by this field, as it was at the forefront of brain imaging techniques using radioactive-labeled sugar injections. By tracking the brain's utilization of sugar during cognitive processes, we could visually depict brain activity in response to specific tasks.

Later, I embraced a new challenge by transitioning to the pharmaceutical industry, where I served as an international Medical Director. In 2001, I earned the title of Specialist FMH in Pharmaceutical Medicine.

A year later, I left the pharmaceutical industry and delved into biofeedback and neurofeedback. Initially, my focus was primarily on neurofeedback for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). I was inspired by the success achieved in treating children with these conditions, motivating me to acquire expertise in this field. Alongside a foundational education at the Institute for Bio- and Neurofeedback in Zurich, I trained under various experts in the field, including Prof. Dr. Sue and Siegfried Othmer (USA), Prof. Dr. Jury Kropotov (St. Petersburg), Prof. Kroymann (Germany), and Dr. Thompson (Canada).

Realizing the need for tools to address acute disease symptoms using bio- and neurofeedback methods, I decided to expand my knowledge to include traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). I pursued training at SACAM (Swiss Medical Association for Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, and Auriculotherapy) at the University of Zurich and Bern. I gained valuable experience in both classical body acupuncture and Nogier ear acupuncture (Auriculotherapy), and thus offer these methods in my practice.